The Art Room
Image: Build my Home
By: Soyon Chun
Knowing, loving, and serving the Son; together.
The Art Room
One of the first things I took notice of when we started to attend the Vineyard was how much art was present at the church building, both audibly and visually. As we started to make the Vineyard our home and I started to learn names, I noticed that the names on the art in the building were of people in the congregation.
I thought, "Wow, there are many talented artists here!"
During this pandemic, I have very much missed the visuals, but wondered what it might look like for our congregation to share their art on an online platform as an act of worship to our creator God.
What might it look like to share art to encourage one another in how God is working in our lives, as a testimony of His creativity in us.
So this space is just for that. The Art Room. A space to display your creations:
Your paintings, photographs, poetry, pottery, fabric creations, sculptures, short stories, interpretive dances, music, songs, etc.
Your works to edify the body, the church, and encourage one another.
To give glory to God by bringing the works of your hands as an act of worship.
So if you have any art, send them to so they can be viewed here.
Many thanks,
John Thompson
By Colleen Castonguay
"Follow the Light"
Just as the young sunflower plant follows the sun to receive the most light, Jesus encourages us to follow him. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - Jesus
By Leanne Hawkins and Coleen Szura
By Tara Joi Smith
The following group of Chalk Pastels is from a study through the book of Ruth
The threshing floor
The Sea of Galilee and boat
Ripe barley
Raining fire and brimstone
Lot's wife
Lot chooses
Loaves and fishes
By Tara Joi Smith
In this piece, each string represents the life of a person in our Church, bringing their experience and stories with them. The weaving that I did represents how Papa God has woven our lives together to create something beautiful.
"Spring's Promise"
By Colleen Castonguay
The crocus is a sure sign of spring and in late March each year, these beautiful flowers remind me of God's promise.
It's a promise that stands strong and never changes. A promise that even though weeds may grow around us and difficulties arise in our lives, He is always there and never leaves us.
By Colleen Castonguay
I am grateful for my connection with Jesus, with people and being creative everyday.
By Ruth Wiebe
A shawl - my fidgety fingers found an outlet while I was looking after my parents in St. Thomas last November. Knitting and praying seemed to go well together.
I had never blocked a lacey item before. Blocking includes soaking the item so the fibres absorb the water. After a gentle squeezing, you pin the garment out to size and also reveal the lacey pattern. The shawl takes shape as it dries out over the next 24-48 hours.
I was struck by the immersion and stretching and how I have felt immersed and stretched during this season, but there is the hope of freedom and a new season coming where the new shape is free to be enjoyed .
I felt the Lord saying that this is His process too. A baptism - a time of soaking, then a time of stretching and holding... and then something new emerges - the same material but even more beautiful.
By Kimmy Gonzalvo
Marker and mixed media
By John Thompson
Rich Young Man
There are many times when I find the words of Jesus to be difficult to accept. This song I wrote is taken from Mark 10:17-31. It’s about a rich young man. He has kept the commandments since his youth up. I always felt this story was somewhat a reflection of me in my youth. And I didn’t like that it was.
As a young man from the west, I grew up very rich compared to the rest of the world. In terms of the material world, it felt like I had a mountain of wealth.
The words of Jesus...“Go now sell. Give and come.” Sure, I could keep the commandments. But giving up my mountain of wealth?
Lyrics for Rich Young Man
All needs met
Always need more
All this great wealth
To the poor
All this treasure
That’s been stored
All left for my sake
To inherit more
Last will be first
First will be last
All that you have
Is all you lack
The eye of a needle
The desert path
The easier way
Than letting go
How do I choose?
Longing both I lose
What you've set before me
The Kingdom, I did not see
Give and come...
Follow the Son...
By Coleen Szura
Acrylic paint
He overcame the darkness
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet
He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow
By Glenda Guia
Lover of my Soul
For everything that I've been through
You've always been there for me
I've seen you watch over me
Felt your arms around me
You hug me when I'm down
Wipe my tears when no one is around
You never left me
Nor forsaken me
What have you seen in my heart?
That you have set me apart
How come you love me so much?
How come you never repay me for the wrong things
that I've done
Even when I complain
Even when things don't turn out the way I want them
to be
Still you've given me the right to be called your
By taking my place and be the one to be slaughtered
For all these years
You are really so good
My Father
My Creator
My Saviour
Without you, I am nothing...
By Leanne Hawkins
Oil pastels
It's just me God, your little daughter. I'm standing in a dark world, but smiling, because you gave me a beautiful light.