Our Team
Knowing, loving, and serving the Son; together.
Peter Wiebe is our lead pastor, with his wife Ruth. Originally from Manitoba, they have been part of the Windsor Vineyard since 1988, serving on the worship team and in various leadership roles. By profession Peter plays cello in the Windsor Symphony, and is their former Associate Conductor. Ruth gives oversight to our children's programs. She is also a professional musician, playing and teaching violin and piano.
Peter loves studying the Scriptures with a special interest in the original languages. He enjoys the music of Bach, the Beatles, and much more. Ruth is a passionate educator, and did the lion's share of homeschooling their six beloved children. Ruth and Peter also have eleven grandchildren. One more thing, Ruth and Peter would like to extend an open invitation to anyone who wants to have them over for dinner!
Mark Hawkins is our associate pastor. He and his wife Leanne serve on our team of Advisors. Mark also pastors our youth, and leads worship regularly. Mark has been with the Windsor Vineyard since the age of 15. He is also a math teacher at Kingsville District High School. In his spare time (when he has some) Mark enjoys some amateur woodworking. He likes to build different furniture pieces as well as picture frames for Leanne's artwork. Mark also enjoys cooking (and eating) and is very excited to learn more about BBQ and cooking on a charcoal grill.
Leanne is a professional artist and mother. She enjoys reading everything, especially some of the classics. Leanne is an exceptionally caring individual, and before taking time off to care for their children, she was an RPN at a nursing home in Kingsville. The Hawkins' live in Kingsville with their four delightful children.
Andy Bothamley is our primary worship leader. He and his wife Caroline also serve on our team of Advisors. Andy looks after the church's finances, while Caroline works with Ruth teaching our kids. Caroline also leads the Thursday night women's group. By profession, Andy is VP of Finance and Operations at United Way Windsor-Essex County, while Caroline works in out-patient mental health at Hotel Dieu-Grace Healthcare. The Bothamleys joined us from the UK in 2001, and since then have added three first-rate boys to our church family.
Janet Hocevar leads our Wednesday night small group. She is one of our regular preachers on Sunday mornings, and serves as one of our Advisors. She works as an administrator for Vision Realty, and does great work in her garden! She and her husband Dave live in Windsor, and are blessed with two children and two grandchildren.
Ryan O'Connor leads our Monday online small group, which was online long before COVID-19 (Just sayin...!). Ryan serves our church with invaluable tech help behind the scenes, and is busy on the worship team as leader, bass player and drummer. (But usually not all at the same time!) He also serves as one of our Advisors. He and his dear wife Brook and awesome daughter Meaghan live in Essex. Ryan owns a tech company called South Point Communications.
Donna Ofner takes care of our building and looks after the office. She originally comes from Azilda, Ontario (google it!), but happily for us made her way south. For many years she has helped successfully manage a local family business. Donna lives in Windsor with her two boys, both fine young men. Ask Donna about her Wiener Schnitzel recipe!
Terrisa (Tes) Small serves as coordinator of our social media. She also sings on our worship team. Tes has completed four years at the University of Windsor, studying Family and Social Relations. Tes also serves as one of our team of Advisors She enjoys running, cooking, baking, and doing puzzles! She has also been to South Africa!
John Thompson runs "The Art Room" on our website, and serves as one of our Advisors. He and his wife Soyon have four super-unique children. They host our church family at their county home for our Wednesday "Activity Nights" in the summer.