Coming soon.. .
Knowing, loving, and serving the
Son; together.
Daily Prayer on Zoom, 7-7:30am (see below for information; ask Peter for the Zoom link).
Thursday, February 20, noon - Women's potluck. (This happens the third Thursday of the month, at the church building.) Contact Coleen Szura.
Tuesday, February 25, 7-9pm - Creative night. Bring something creative or artistic that you have on the go. It's on the last Tuesday of every month. Contact Leanne Hawkins.
Sunday, March 2, noonish - "Chili after Church." A potluck where we get to spend time together. This will generally be on the first Sunday of each month. Most people bring something other than chili!
Weekly gatherings:
Sundays at 10:00. Church "celebration" (service)
Small groups: see below
Information on daily zoom prayer (see above) - Every morning from 7-7:30am, several of us gather on Zoom to pray for our church family. We pray with the guidance of a psalm (or part of one), and other suggested prayer topics on our screens. Part of the prayer time is all-at-once prayer with audio and video off, which gives people flexibility to come and go during their morning routine. At 7:10, we read the psalm aloud and invite people to unmute and pray in turn as they are able. Some people come daily, some a couple times a week. Hop on sometime, and just observe if you like. Ask Peter for the Zoom link. And this is God's promise to His people, the church: "For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him? " (Deut. 4:7).
Small Groups:
Mondays, 8:20pm (for about an hour), online group. Contact Ryan O'Connor.
Tuesdays, 7:15-9:00pm, men's group, at Andy's house. Contact Mark Hawkins or Andy Bothamley.
Thursdays at noon, Women's potluck The third Thursday of the month, at the church building. Next luncheon is February 20. Contact Coleen Szura.
Wednesdays at 7:15pm, co-ed group At the church building. Contact Janet Hocevar.
Thursdays at 7pm, women’s group. This group meets in homes with cats and other pets. Contact Caroline Bothamley.
Fridays, 10:45-11:30am - Online Prayer on Zoom. Contact Ruth Wiebe.
Fridays at 7pm, youth group (Grades 7-12). We have been enjoying joint youth with Windsor Evangel Bible Church, sometimes at their building, and sometimes at ours. In February it will be at Evangel, and in March it will be at the Vineyard. Contact Mark Hawkins.
"Chili after Church" - usually the first Sunday of every month. It's a potluck. Most people bring something other than chili!
Communion as part of our Sunday morning service. Usually the second Sunday of every month.
Creative Group, last Tuesday evening of each month, 7-9pm. Contact Leanne Hawkins. Bring something creative or artistic that you have on the go.