Welcome to
Windsor Vineyard Church
Knowing, loving, and serving the Son; together
We meet Sundays at 10am
“Though I have much to share with you, I would rather not just say it online. I would rather talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete!” (2 John 1:12, slightly adapted).
If you want to get in touch with us, email our lead pastor, Peter Wiebe.
Peter has finished his series, "Isaiah's Good News of the Kingdom." And Isaiah is "passing the baton" to Luke as we launch into a new series on Luke's second book, Acts: "Come Holy Spririt."
We will prepare for our Acts series on January 19 and 26 by checking out the last chapter of Luke:
January 19, Mark will share from part of Jesus' Resurrection story in Luke 24:13-35.
January 26, Gail Perecky will share from Jesus' "Great Commission, found in Luke 24:36-53.
Isaiah and Acts link together nicely: You can compare Isaiah 49:6 with Acts 13:47 and see God's heart expressed in both books - that the good news of Jesus go to the nations.
Another link between Isaiah and Acts is the Holy Spirit. Acts 2 is the monumental chapter about the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and that's just the beginning of Acts. But take a look at some of Isaiah's passages about the Holy Spirit: Isaiah 11:1-2, Isaiah 32:15, Isaiah 42:1, Isaiah 44:3, Isaiah 59:21, and Isaiah 61:1-3.