Welcome to
Windsor Vineyard Church
Knowing, loving, and serving the Son; together
We meet Sundays at 10am
“Though I have much to share with you, I would rather not just say it online. I would rather talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete!” (2 John 1:12, slightly adapted).
“Though I have much to share with you, I would rather not just say it online. I would rather talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete!” (2 John 1:12, slightly adapted).
If you want to get in touch with us, email our lead pastor, Peter Wiebe.
On Sunday, September 15, Peter will starting a series of messages highlighting different passages in Isaiah. "The Kingdom of God in Isaiah." Read Isaiah 1 in the NIV or in the NLT (a little easier translation to get ahead. In the link you will also see the beginning of Isaiah 2 to prepare for another message if you like.